Saturday, March 20, 2010

   I feel bad about not posting much recently, but it's partially due to the fact that I've been thinking about a lot of stuff.  You might think that thinking would equal writing, and in fact, I did start writing some posts.  The problem was that I was writing about things that I'm not 100% sure about, and I think it is important that I actually know I agree with something before I share the argument for it on my blog.  The topics I've been researching are 1) head covering and 2) whether or not Christians should keep the Torah.  The first is something I've been looking into for quite some time.  The second is something that has only recently been brought to my attention by the amount of blogs out there by Torah-keeping Christians.  If anyone has any insights or personal experience exploring these issues, I would appreciate feedback via comments. :-)
   I am on spring break now, and the break from the routine of my college classes has been nice.  Since I don't have much to say, I'll leave you with a song that I think is lyrically amazing...Hold You Up by Matthew West.

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